Data Center/COLO


  • Analyze current Data Center and create documentation for logical and physical design of current setup, create and implement changes to enhance network performance.
  • Identify Issues with current cabling setup and physical design and create and implement strategies to organize cables to make physical management, installation, and analysis easier in the future

Physical Moves

  • Assess existing environment and new environment and create and implement strategy to move equipment, creating diagrams of physical layout and pre-running any cables to make move as fast as possible
  • Create and implement strategy to install new equipment in Data Center, focusing on maintaining consistency with current setup while making necessary changes to follow best practices
  • Run cables in rack or between racks, labeling if  necessary, organizing cables to be neat
  • Label Devices and Cables according to customer guidelines
  • Install or move servers into relevant racks, cabling servers according to customer guidelines
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Storage Area Network (SAN) Services

  • Architect and Implement iSCI solution onto existing network and sever infrastructure
  • Architect and implement an FCIP solution between two geographically separated Data Centers
  • Architect and implement the integration of Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCOE) onto existing network
  • Architect and implement the integration of Data and Storage